BioSignalML was developed as part of a PhD research project which examined how semantic web concepts could be applied to physiological time series data. It started with the observation that while there are only so many well-defined ways a sequence of numbers can be stored, there was minimal standardisation of how metadata about these numbers is described and exchanged. BioSignalML provides a shared framework in which to work with biosignal recordings, allowing their information to be extended, unified, and interlinked with other resources on the Web.
At one level, BioSignalML is an open set of abstract concepts formalised as an ontology and part of the Semantic Web. However, it includes the specification of an HDF5 file structure to hold signal recordings and metadata, with applications ranging from analysis and standardisation of metadata; to real time data collection; and to the use of signal data in modelling and simulation experiments.
The original thesis is available online.